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Timeframe for USBs


Updated: Aug 30, 2023

USBs are HUGE in the marketing industry, but why? They're multi-functional, of course. Most people think USBs are used for storage, which indeed they do a great job of, but the smart little things have hidden talents.


Who Uses Promotional Flash Drives?

Here's a useful little list of ways you can use your USBs

1. Run portable games and apps by using just your flash drive.

2. Lock and unlock your computer. Like your USB is your computer key!

3. Use the memory sticks to install Windows onto your Mac.

4. It's a file transferer, the obvious one.

5. Space savers.

6. Perfect for backups.

From colleges and schools providing education to a photography company producing their work for clients. USBs, like metal flash drives, are an all-rounder for everyone. There is a reason for most people as to how a flash drive is useful to everyone. With all the different styles and capacities you can now

get in the world, there is one to suit each.

Great corporate gifts for Christmas, too! A nice little Gadget to keep all your holiday festivity snaps safe and secure!

Merry Christmas!


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